The Enuresis (Bedwetting) Problem

Bedwetting is a widespread and serious issue mainly affecting children and young adults, which can be very traumatic for the sufferer and parents.

It often causes broken sleep patterns, lack of self-confidence and other psychological issues for the sufferer, as well as financial burdens, such as increased laundry/electricity expenses and replacement furniture. Most therapies and treatments have a patchy track record in effectiveness, to say the least, which we set out to remedy. Drugs can have nasty side effects, psychological therapies are very varied, difficult for parents to choose one from another and often ineffective. And current medical devices on the market usually involve chunky and quite primitive design as well as basic moisture-detecting sensors which are prone to false alarms.

We on the WarnDry project feel that the market for bedwetting devices has barely moved on in decades and has become complacent, failing to embrace the latest changes in technological capability.

The Device

WarnDry is developed by DCD